What is an annotated bibliography and how do I create one?


Annotated Bibliographies

An annotated bibliography is a reference list that includes short explanations (note or annotation) about each source. To create an annotated bibliography make sure to consult your assignment for the details about the annotation. Each instructor will have different requirements for the length and content of the annotation, but the basic format is the same. 

To format the annotated bibliography use the same formatting rules used for a works cited or references page and simply add the annotations after each citation. 

APA Example

Kranch, D. A. (2008). Who owns online course intellectual property? Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 9(4), 349–356.
This peer-reviewed article reviews the arguments about intellectual property ownership between univeristy and college administrations and faculty. The article also reviews existing case law supporting the rights of both parties and concludes with possible compromises that can help both parties achieve their goals.

MLA Example

Kranch, Douglas A. “Who Owns Online Course Intellectual Property?” Quarterly Review of Distance Education, vol. 9, no. 4, Winter 2008, pp. 349–56. Academic Search Complete, search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=shib&db=a9h&AN=37803013&site=ehost-live&custid=lscc. Accessed 12 May 2022.
This peer-reviewed article reviews the arguments about intellectual property ownership between univeristy and college administrations and faculty. The article also reviews existing case law supporting the rights of both parties and concludes with possible compromises that can help both parties achieve their goals.


Please see the sample templates below for help with formatting in MLA and APA sytles; both of these files are Microsoft Word downloads.

Please contact one of our Librarians in person or through our Ask a Librarian if you have questions.

  • Last Updated Feb 23, 2024
  • Views 86
  • Answered By Nora Rackley

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