If I know MLA, why do I need to know APA format?


Learning MLA and APA Styles

MLA and APA are style guides for papers that are used in different disciplines.

  • MLA is primarily used by instructors and professionals in the humanities. 
  • APA is used by professionals in the sciences and social sciences.

For the most part, both citation styles cover the same elements, but they are organized differently based on what the citation style considers most important for their discipline. For example, 

  • APA includes the date of the work as the second element in the citation because the age of information is important for the science, health, psychology, and social science fields in which it is used.
  • MLA places the date as the last part of the citation because often for humanities, literature, or historic topics the date is not relevant. ​​​​​​

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  • Last Updated Feb 23, 2024
  • Views 61
  • Answered By Nora Rackley

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