How do I create in-text citations in APA?


In-Text Citations in APA

In-text citations in APA style use specific citation rules depending on the number of authors for the source and whether you are paraphrasing or quoting source material.

When you paraphrase your source material, you do not need to include a page number in the citation. If you are using a direct quote you do need to include a page number or paragraph number for the location of the quote in the source. 


In-Text Citation for Sources with One Author

Panguluri, N. P. (2022, January 4). League of Women Voters national and state organizations working to pass Freedom to Vote Act. NonProfit Sector News.


Parenthetical citation paraphrase: The League of Women Voters is supporting a bill to help protect and expand voting rights in addition to making money less influential in political campaigns (Panguluri, 2022).
Narrative citation paraphrase: Panguluri (2022) explains that the League of Women Voters is supporting a bill to help protect and expand voting rights in addition to making money less influential in political campaigns.
Parenthetical citation direct quote: The League of Women voters is supporting a bill that "protects and expands the right to vote" and "decreases the influence of money in politics" (Panguluri, 2022, para. 4).
Narrative citation direct quote: According to Panguluri (2022), the League of Women voters is supporting a bill that "protects and expands the right to vote" and "decreases the influence of money in politics" (para. 4).


In-Text Citations for Sources with 2 Authors

For sources with two authors, both authors’ names must be included in the in-text citation in both parentheses or narrative (signal phrase) citations.

Helwig, J., & Bashinsky, R. (2019, March). Mood food. Health, 33(2), 96-104.


Parenthetical citation paraphrase: Mood and food are undeniably connected (Helwig & Bashinsky, 2019).
Narrative citation paraphrase: Helwig and Bashinsky (2019) state that mood and food are undeniably connected.
Parenthetical citation direct quote: "Food is definitely connected to different moods and attitudes" (Helwig & Bashinsky, 2019, p. 97). 
Narrative citation direct quote: According to Helwig and Bashinsky (2019), "Food is definitely connected to different moods and attitudes" (p. 97). 


In-Text Citations for Sources with 3 or more Authors

For sources with three or more authors, include the name of the first author, add a comma and add the abbreviation “et al.” which stands for "and others." The reference citation, parenthetical reference, and signal phrase or narrative reference are explained below.

Mossine, V.V., Mawhinney, T.P., & Giovannucci, E.L. (2020, March). Dried fruit intake and cancer: A systematic review of observational studies. Advances in Nutrition 11(2), 237-250.


Parenthetical citation paraphrase: Some studies associate dried fruit with a decrease in cancer cells (Mossine et al., 2020).
Narrative citation paraphrase: Mossine et al. (2020) explain that some studies associate dried fruit with a decrease in cancer cells.
Parenthetical citation direct quote: Some studies claim that "dried fruit and other freeze dried food can be associated with a decrease in cancer cells" (Mossine et al., 2020, p. 238).
Narrative citation direct quote: Mossine et al. (2020) explain that "dried fruit and other freeze dried food can be associated with a decrease in cancer cells" (p. 238).

In-Text Citations for Sources with No Authors

See citation rules for sources with no authors below. See also APA, 8.14, 9.12 & 9.49.

  • If the title is italicized in the reference list entry italicize it in the in-text citation.
  • If the title is not italicized in the reference list entry use double-quote marks around the title in the in-text citation.
  • For all in-text citations use title case (capitalize all major words) even though the reference list entries are in sentence case.
  • If the title is long, shorten it for the in-text citation. Use 2 to 4 words as a rule of thumb.
Oneida Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing on how essential oils can help wounds heal. (2020, February 3). Oneida Center.
Parenthetical citation paraphrase: Essential oils like myrrh can act as a coagulant and disenfectant (Oneida Center for Rehabilitation, 2020).
Narrative citation paraphrase: According to Oneida Center for Rehabilitation (2020), oils like myrrh can act as a coagulant and disenfectant.
Parenthetical citation direct quote: Essential oils like myrrh "help in disinfecting wounds and stopping bleeding" (Oneida Center for Rehabilitation, 2020, para. 1).
Narrative citation direct quote: According to Oneida Center for Rehabilitation (2020), oils like myrrh "help in disinfecting wounds and stopping bleeding" (para. 1).
COVID-19 test updates: Current test options offer first wave of virus detection. (2020). MLO: Medical Laboratory Observer, 52(5), 34–36.
Parenthetical citation paraphrase: After months of not knowing, new Covid-19 tests are detecting the virus with increased accuracy.(“COVID-19 Test Updates,” 2020).
Narrative citation paraphrase: The article “COVID-19 Test Updates” (2020), explains that new Covid-19 tests are detecting the virus with increased accuracy.
Parenthetical citation direct quote: Researchers are confident that the new Covid-19 tests are “100% more accurate than the first tests that were released”(“COVID-19 Test Updates,” 2020, para. 2).
Narrative citation direct quote: The article “COVID-19 Test Updates” (2020), explains that researchers are confident that the new Covid-19 tests are “100% more accurate than the first tests that were released” (para. 2).


In-Text Citations for Sources with No Date

For a source with No Date include the abbreviation n.d. in your in-text citation. Follow the same directions as above when a source has no author, but use n.d. in place of the year of publication. 

Smith (n.d.) says that ... OR Evidence shows that ... (Smith, n.d.). 
According to "COVID-19" (n.d.) ... OR Evidence shows that ... ("COVID-19", n.d.).


In-text Citations for Sources with Group Authors

To create an in-text citation for a source with a group author, use the group's full name and the date. You may abbreviate a group author name if, according to the APA Style website and manual, "if the abbreviation is well-known, will help avoid cumbersome repetition, or will appear at least three times in the paper" (para. 1).

American Psychological Association. (2023, May 9). How much is too much social media use: A Q&A with Mitch Prinstein, PhD.
Parenthetical citation: (American Psychological Association [APA], 2023).
Narrative citation:  Information and misinformation on social media are prevalent according to the American Psychological Association (APA, 2023).


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  • Last Updated Feb 23, 2024
  • Views 548
  • Answered By Nora Rackley

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