How do I alphabetize my works cited or references page?


Works Cited and References pages are always organized alphabetically by the first element that appears in the reference. The first element is usually the author, but it can be the title of the source if no author is present. 

MLA Alphabetization Rules

The Works Cited below is alphabetized by author and one source is alphabetized by the title as MLA Style requires. 

Works cited page with first element underlined.

APA Alphabetization Rules

The References page below is likewise alphabetized by author and source title as APA requires.

References page with first element underlined.

Common Alphabetization Rules

The rules below are common in both styles and also common questions about alphabetizing references.

  • Articles like A, An, and The are ignored when alphabetizing by title. In the examples above, the reference for "The Chic Bar Maybelle" is alphabetized by the letter "C" instead of "T."
  • Alphabetize numbers as if they were spelled out. The number 20 should be alphabetized under "T."

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  • Last Updated Jul 13, 2023
  • Views 178
  • Answered By Nora Rackley

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