How do I cite Chat GPT and other Generative AI in MLA Style?


Citing Generated Text

On their website about citing generative AI, MLA states that their template of core elements is extremely useful for citing new technologies like AI. They state that "this approach to writers flexibility to apply the style" to new sources.

Title of Source. "What is the symbolism of the yellow wallpaper in Gilman's story of the same name" prompt.
Container 1
Title of Container, ChatGPT,
Version (if available), 3.5 version,
Publisher, OpenAI,
Publication date, 3 Oct. 2023,


"What is the symbolism of the yellow wallpaper in Gilman's story of the same name" prompt. ChatGPT, 3.5 version, OpenAI, 3 Oct. 2023,
Paraphrased in Your Prose: One important theme in "The Yellow Wallpaper" is mental decline which is reflected in the patterns and design on the wallpaper, which represents the narrator's spiraling into madness.

Citing Creative Visual Works

In MLA style, you can choose one of two options:

  1. Create a full citation for an image in the caption or,
  2. Create a descriptive caption that ends with a parenthetical reference leading to the works cited list entry


Full Citation in Caption
Cartoon owl image with clockFig. 1. "Marvel cartoon owl with clock" prompt, OpenArt Creative, OpenArt, 3 Oct. 2023,


Works Cited Entry
"Marvel cartoon owl with clock" prompt, OpenArt Creative, OpenArt, 3 Oct. 2023,
In-Text Citation
Cartoon owl image with clockFig. 1. This picture shows an owl drawn in the style of a Marvel cartoon ("Marvel cartoon").


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  • Last Updated Feb 24, 2024
  • Views 195
  • Answered By Nora Rackley

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