How do I cite a Movie in MLA Style?


Citing Movies in MLA Style

Begin with the title and include the director, the distributor and the year of release. You may include other pertinent information – such as the names of the writer, performers, and producer – between the title and distributor. This is especially helpful whenever several versions of the film have been made.


Name of performer/composer, performer/composer. Name of the movie. Director, Production Company, Year. Streaming service if applicable.

Citation Samples

Hamlet. Warner Home Video, 1990.
Gibson, Mel, performer. Hamlet. Directed by Franco Zeffirelli, Warner Home Video, 1990.
Miranda, Lin-Manuel, composer. Moana, directed by Ron Clements, et al., 2016. Netflix, Accessed 17 Aug. 2017.
Transformers. Dir. Michael Bay. Perf. Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox. Dreamworks, 2007. Film.
The King's Speech. Dir. Tom Hooper. Perf. Colin Firth, Geoffrey Rush, Helena Bonham Carter. The Weinstein Company, 2010. Film.


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  • Last Updated Apr 09, 2024
  • Views 48
  • Answered By Alison Norton

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