How do I set the correct margins and spacing for my paper using Google Docs or Microsoft Word?


Margins for both MLA and APA papers should be 1 inch all around. Papers in both styles should be double-spaced with no additional spaces between paragraphs or references.

screenshot of paper with correct margins and spacing

Google Docs

  1. Click on File (step 1)
  2. then Click Page Setup (step 2)
  3. If your content is highlighted, make sure that the Apply to box shows Selected content
  4. Make sure that all the margins are set at 1 inch, and click OK (step 3).

Screenshot of margin settings in Google Docs


With your paper highlighted, change your spacing to double either with the Line & Paragraph shortcut or by going to Format > Line &  paragraph spacing > double spacing.

screen shot of line and space settings in Google Docs

Microsoft Word

  1. Click on Layout (step 1)
  2. then click Margins and select Normal (step 2)

Image of margin settings in Microsoft Word


To double-space text using Microsoft Word, first click the Dialog Box arrow under "Paragraph" and change "Line Spacing" to "Double".

You should also change "Spacing" to read 0 pt for both "Before" and "After."

Image of home toolbar

image of paragraph settings dialog box spacing area

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  • Last Updated Apr 24, 2024
  • Views 1431
  • Answered By Nora Rackley

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