How do I convert 26 base 10 to base 2?


How to convert from Base 10 to Base 2.

Make the following grid:

Base 2 Grid

24 = 16

23 = 8

22 = 4

21 = 2


 (note there is no 25 = 32 because this is bigger than the number you want to convert)

Start with your number, in this case,                                                    26

Subtract the highest number you have in your grid                         -16

Leaves you with                                                                                          10

If your answer is higher than 16, subtract 16 again,

If your answer is lower than 16, subtract the next number           10

That can be subtracted, in this case, 8                                                 -8


Fill in the grid with the number of times you used each number. If you did not use a number fill it in with 0 so it looks like this:

24 = 16

23 = 8

22 = 4

21 = 2







The answer is 11010 base 2 = 110102


  • Last Updated May 23, 2023
  • Views 68
  • Answered By Judith Haars - LE Learning Center Manager

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